IfJs film production project - an update

IfJ news

Having received a grant from the Legal Educational Foundation, IfJ's film production team members (Ann King, Catherine O'Neill, Joyce Plotnikoff and Nicola Lewis) in conjunction with FranksFilms, are making very good progress with the development of two short films.

The first film will be a short but enlightening overview of the intermediary role. The second longer film will be a more detailed explanation of the intermediary role, to be use as part of professional training sessions. 

Throughout the country intermediaries, a wide variety of professionals who have worked with intermediaries and intermediary service users have responded to a request to participate and share their experiences with the film makers.

Filming will take place during the summer months in a variety of nationwide venues with anticipated completion in autumn 2019, when both films will be made freely available via www.intermediaries-for-justice.org.