Court and Tribunal Reforms Inquiry

Publications, articles and press releases

IfJ have been invited to voice the views of intermediaries on a Defendant Engagement Panel. This is what led IfJ to take part in the HMCTS Court Reform Update in November 2018, where we fed in thoughts about the reforms and their impact on the communication of vulnerable adults and children, throughout the day in various workshops.

IfJ has now been asked to comment on access to justice in light of the proposals to move to online processes and digital hearings and to close courts. The Justice Committee has (rightly) raised concerns about access to justice and we will respond highlighting the difficulties for some vulnerable people who we work with, who will not be able to access 'online justice' with ease, or in some cases, at all. Everyone is welcome to respond directly to the request of views.

If you would like to consider submitting evidence, you can find other useful information and the Terms of Reference and Written Submission form here. The deadline is 11th March, 2019.